Dynamic Movement Orthoses

Dynamic Movement Orthoses are a relatively new approach to managing abnormal tone and neurological dysfunction.

Patients with neurological dysfunction as a result of stroke (CVA), head injury, multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions may benefit from wearing a Dynamic Movement Orthosis.

Dynamic movement orthoses can be used in patients with neurological conditions to improve postural control, improve sensory and proprioceptive feedback and aid alignment of body parts.

Each orthosis is made using a Lycra® based fabric to achieve a close fit as it is believed that increased pressure on certain muscle groups and improves proprioception leading to better awareness of the affected part of the body.

The resistance created by additional layers of reinforcing material adds a biomechanical influence encourages improved movement control.

As well as improved function from better posture, improved proximal / distal stability and reduced involuntary movements; other benefits may include pain relief, decreased associated reactions, easier transfers and improved therapy sessions. Over time, the desired effect would be to experience the improvement in function and control of movement when the orthosis is removed - i.e. carry-over of the effects experienced when wearing the orthosis.

The onset of this carry-over effect and the factors affecting its duration is dependent on the individual patients presentation and reaction to the treatment.

The orthoses range from a glove for improved hand and upper limb function to a full body suit for whole body involvement. The style and design of the orthosis is based on the wearers' ability and their functional objectives at the time of assessment.

The physiotherapists at Bristol neurophysio have undertaken the necessary training to assess and provide a variety of Dynamic movement orthoses.

Some kind words

I would just like to let everyone know how happy I am since starting treatment at Bristol Neurophysio.  I have noticed a great beneficial change to my condition, ataxia.  It's been such a relief for me to find someone who understands my condition and is able to set up a programme suitable for my abilities.  Kirsty is always upbeat and cheerful and is always a great help.  I come away from my sessions feeling so much better and able to get on with my life!

Mrs P D, Chippenham