Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common disabling neurological condition affecting young adults. At any one time, around 100,000 people in the UK have MS.

The condition affects nerves in the brain and spinal cord. It can lead to many different symptoms, including:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulties with activities like walking & dressing 
  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Reduced balance and risk of falling

It is still unknown what the causes of MS are. What is known is that it is an inflammatory disorder that destroys the myelin (the protective sheath) around the nerve fibres. This affects the way the messages are conducted along the nerve. Types of MS include:

Relapse / remitting

MS is nearly often described as a relapsing remitting condition – about 66% of people with MS have this type meaning that symptoms appear or increase (relapse) and then fade away, either partially or completely (remission). It is often useful to see a neurophysiotherapist at this stage to help maximize functional recovery.

Primary progressive

Primary progressive MS affects about 10 - 15% of people diagnosed with MS. It is different to relapse / remitting in that from the first (primary) symptoms can gradually increase, rather than appearing as sudden relapses.

Secondary progressive

Most people with relapsing remitting MS eventually develop ‘secondary progressive’ MS – around 65% have developed it after 15 years. 

Secondary progressive MS, sees a progressive increase in peoples' symptoms, with no remission, but this progression can be very slow. 

Benign MS 

If, after 10 to 20 years, your condition hasn’t worsened and you have very little or no disability, you might then be said to have ‘benign’ MS.

How Bristol neurophysio can help

It is widely recognised that the majority of people with MS benefit from specialist neurophysiotherapy input. The physiotherapists at Bristol neurophysio have specific expertise in working with people with MS, helping to set achievable goals and manage symptoms. This includes specific physiotherapy interventions to:

  • Help improve muscle power
  • Increase and maintain range of movement
  • Maximise functional potential
  • Manage spasms and spasticity
  • Access appropriate equipment
  • Provide advice and coping strategies for fatigue management
  • Teach relatives and carers stretches, positioning and correct handling techniques
  • Support people to access local leisure facilities
  • Address specific access to work issues if appropriate

We are also able to refer to other professionals and services in the Bristol area, including occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and psychologists.

Some kind words

Kirsty provided our son with both the physical treatment and exercises he required as well as effective strategies for understanding the psychological impact of his condition. Bristol Neurophysio has played a significant role in allowing our son to get on with his life again. For this we thank them

Mr K M, North Somerset